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Top Tips For De-Stressing Your Work-Day

As much as we try to avoid it, the workplace can be a stressful place at times. Backlogs of work, rapidly approaching deadlines, endless meetings, uncooperative colleagues and disgruntled clients can test your patience on a daily basis. Failure to manage stress in the workplace can result in your concentration levels dropping, human error and potentially burnout. Take a look at a few ideas to combat stress in the workplace.

Get Your Head Down

Lack of sleep can have a major impact on your day-to-day life and your ability to handle the stresses that you’re confronted with in the workplace. Without enough sleep you will be unable to concentrate and your productivity will drop. Around eight hours sleep per night is optimal to ensure you wake up fresh and ready for what ever the day has to throw at you.

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

Get out of the habit of waking up every morning and racing around to get ready for work, instead, try to set a routine that allows you to get a head start. Setting your alarm to wake you up earlier so you can prepare for work without having to rush can reduce the amount of stress you feel before you have even arrived at work.

Snack Throughout the Day

Hunger while you work will contribute to feelings of stress. Keeping your body and mind fuelled will allow you to work efficiently. Try to opt for healthy snacks for a boost between meals, such as fruit, nuts and yogurts, and drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated. Avoid sugary food and drinks that will just provide a temporary energy spike followed by a dip.

Prioritise Your Workload

Having a huge pile of work to get through can be daunting and stressful, so its better to break things down and work out what is most important or time sensitive. Create lists to keep you on track and ensure you don’t forget anything. Taking on an extensive workload in small chunks makes for a more manageable work-day that is less much less stressful.

Stretch Your Legs

Sitting at your desk for an entire day without leaving will more than likely stress you out. Even if you have a job you love and the team you work alongside, getting out of the work environment for some time can significantly lower your stress levels. Go for a walk, take a seat at the park during lunch break, or head to a cafe or restaurant with co-workers to break up the working day.

Talk to Someone

If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed in the workplace it is important to talk to someone about it. Your employer may have a number of options to help you, depending on the root of your stress. Flexible working, additional training or provision of ergonomic equipment for a more comfortable workplace are all options. Although a degree stress is to be expected in some jobs, when it reaches uncomfortable levels you shouldn’t hesitate to make someone aware.

Bobby Mitchell


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